Naftika Chronika Magazine

The Greek shipping publication.

Your trusted source of information since 1931.

Gratia Publications is the company that has published “Naftika Chronika” magazine since 1998.


“Naftika Chronika” is the longest-running shipping publication in Greece, having first been published in 1931. Throughout its history, the magazine has been established as an objective and valuable source of information for its readers. Gaining an excellent reputation throughout the shipping industry, the magazine systematically hosts the opinions of distinguished members of the Greek and international shipping community and publishes its own research, reports, and analyses.

Apart from its printed version, “Naftika Chronika” has maintained a noteworthy presence online since the launch of in 2003. The website delivers daily news with a particular focus on the shipping industry, the transportation and energy sectors and the Greek and international economy.

Contact Details

Gratia Publications IKE
132 Syngrou Avenue, 117 45, Athens, Greece
Gratia Publications IKE 132 Syngrou Avenue, 117 45, Athens, Greece

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