Was bewegt die Branche?
In unseren SMM Industry Talks befragen wir wichtige Akteure und Führungskräfte der maritimen Wirtschaft zu den aktuellen Herausforderungen und Chancen der maritimen Wirtschaft und wie sie diese angehen.
Wir lassen sie einen Blick in die Zukunft werfen: Was wird sich in 10 Jahren in der maritimen Industrie verändert haben? Wir wollen wissen, was sie an ihrem Job in der maritimen Industrie fasziniert. Und nicht zuletzt: Welche Wünsche und Erwartungen haben sie an die SMM und was trägt ihr Unternehmen zur SMM bei? Schauen Sie doch mal rein!
Hinweis: Die folgenden Interviews sind auf Englisch dokumentiert.
Rolf Stiefel
Regional Chief Executive für Marine & Offshore
Bureau Veritas
Denise Kurtulus
Vice President Global Marine & Mining
Rolls-Royce Power Systems
Dr. Lars Greitsch
Managing Director
Juha Koskela
Division President
ABB Marine & Ports
Industry Talks
Rolf Habben Jansen
Chief Executive Officer
Lex Nijsen
Head of Marine Europe & the Americas
MAN Energy Solutions
Klaus Deleroi
Managing Director
Stephen Gordon
Global Head
Clarksons Research

Arnout Damen
Damen Shipyards Group
“It’s a dynamic industry where a lot is changing, and rapidly as well. That results in new challenges for our clients in terms of sustainability, safety and security, and digitalisation. It’s great to find solutions for and with them. And to incorporate innovations in new types of ship that are future-proof.”
“There are really two challenges. First of all, sustainable ships also tend to be more expensive ships. They are more difficult to finance because clients often can’t pass on the extra ‘green’ costs to their clients. Supportive legislation would be very welcome here because, at the moment, the business model simply doesn’t work.
Secondly, everyone, including us, is running up against different visions of that energy transition in the maritime sector. Will it be electric? Or methanol? Or hydrogen? Or a mixture after all? And if so, which solution is best for which situation? And are the necessary infrastructure and regulations in place? There are still a lot of missing pieces in the puzzle.”
“We set our priorities on the basis of what our customers ask for. Fortunately, we are big enough to have a well-equipped R&D department. Working with supply chain partners and knowledge institutes, it develops innovative solutions. Ultimately, we want to be in a position to offer a sustainable alternative for all the ship types in our portfolio.”
“We are actually in the middle of working on those challenges right now but they can only get more important as time goes on. Take the issue of finding enough well-trained employees, especially in Europe. The level playing field is another concern. There are parties using state aid to work below realistic market prices. Not only large Asiatic players but also yards in Europe. Another challenge is the balance between ever-increasing digitalisation and the associated cyber security risks. We have our own Triton system, which keeps the ships we build connected 24/7. Cyber security is our top priority there.”
“Obviously, we will have made even more progress on sustainability and digitalisation. As far as the first is concerned, a possible future is building and recycling ships in a fully cradle-to-cradle approach. In the area of digitalisation, most advances will involve autonomous and remote sailing, for example with naval vessels and ferries. I also expect ongoing standardisation in shipbuilding, as we have already seen in the aircraft and automotive industries. Finally, I expect a lot from ship-as-a-service concepts. We build and maintain our ships and make sure they are available for our customers, who will pay a fee for that work. The great thing is that, here at Damen, we have already made major steps forward in all these areas, and that we are continuing to do so.”
“I want all of us as a sector to show that we are serious about our work and are taking concrete steps to contribute to a liveable and future-proof world. I actually hope to be surprised by some innovations in that area. In addition, the SMM is always a good way to meet and expand your network. A place where you can get in touch with a range of maritime, entrepreneurial and creative minds from all over the world.”
“We will be presenting not only our entire portfolio of various vessel types, the latest designs, and the markets we are serving, but also the most recent developments in alternative fuels and other ship propulsion systems. In addition to complete vessels, we will also be showcasing the marine components, spares and services we can supply to the maritime industry.”